Analysis of Micro Structure

SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy, 전자주사현미경)신소재융합기기센터


SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy, 전자주사현미경)
장비한글명 전자주사현미경 Equipment SEM-EDX
(Scanning Electron Microscopy)
Model APREO Maker FEI
Purchase Year 2017 Location Room 727, NIX
Operator Ji Sook Kim Tel e-mail:
Tel.: 031-229-8665
Fees Inside University Use Imaging: 40,000 won per hour, EDS: 10,000 won per point, Coating: 10,000 won per sample
Outside University Use Imaging: 80,000won per hour, EDS: 30,000 won per point, Coating: 20,000 won per sample
Application Field Image observation of local zone of the material requiring high resolution
Principle and Characteristics It is an electron beam micro scope. It can analyze surface and section structure of metal, inorganic substance and polymers and provide three dimensional images. The structure and information of the components are easily observed with a brief specimen preparation method.
Standard Features Resolution standard: 1.3nm @ 1kV, 1.0nm @ 1kV (beam decal., T3)
Landing energy range: 20eV ~ 30keV
Stage range: 110x110x65mm(x,y,z), -15º~90º tilt
Accessory: EDX, Pt coater

BET (Surface Area and Porosimetry Analyzer, 비표면적/기공분포 측정장치)신소재융합기기센터

비표면적/기공분포 측정장치

BET (Surface Area and Porosimetry Analyzer, 비표면적/기공분포 측정장치)
장비 한글명 비표면적/기공분포 측정장치 Equipment BET
(Surface Area and Porosimetry Analyzer)
Model ASAP2020 Plus Maker Micromeritics Instruments
Purchase Year 2017 Location Room 719, NiX
Operator Ji Sook Kim Tel e-mail:
Tel.: 031-229-8665
Fees Inside University Use: 20,000 won per sample
Outside University Use: 50,000 won per sample
* Additional charge of 4,000 won per hour when over 12 hours
Application Field It analyzes the specific surface area by measuring the amount of gas absorbed to the solid surface with changing the pressure of the gas at a given temperature.
Principle and Characteristics It measures specific surface area and distribution of bubbles with absorbtion of nitrogen gas. Standard Features
Pressure Measurement Pressure Measurement: 0 to 950 mmHg
Resolution: Up to 1 x 10-7 torr (0.1 mmHg transducer)
Accuracy: > 0.15% of reading
Degas System: Ambient to 450 °C, 1 °C increments